BIRNBAUM has been awarded »Short film of the month January 2009« and »Prädikat: Besonders wertvoll« (predicate: particularly valuable) by the German Film Rating Office (Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden) .
A jury statement’s excerpt: »Eine ideenreiche und unkonventionelle Mischung aus experimentellen Elementen, kunsthistorischen Anleihen, ausdrucksstarken Farben und bewussten Irritationen. […] Durchweg brillant fotografiert und komponiert. […] Wenn man bedenkt, wie viel an diesem experimentellen Kurzfilm hätte schief gehen können, wie groß die Gefahr war, dass ein falscher Ton, ein schlecht ausgewählter Darsteller oder ein zu deutliches Zeichen ihn in manierierten Kitsch verwandelt hätte, muss man den gelungen umgesetzten, radikalen Stilwillen des Filmemachers mit dem höchsten Prädikat bewerten.«
—Dortmunder U — Zentrum für Kunst und Kreativität, Tltle Design Screening, Dortmund, D, 2013
—Cinetypo/Festival of Ideas, Tltle Design Screening at the University of Cambridge, UK, 2013
—Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, Presenting of Pear Tree’s Title Design as part of the exhibition »Moving Types – Lettern in Bewegung««, Mainz, D, 2012
—Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand CCFA, Nantes, F, 2010
Public Debate about the Gap between Old and Young, Birnbaum screening and discourse
—KurzFilmSnack, Marburg, D, 2010
—36th Festival of Nations Ebensee, A, 2008
—Lichter - Filmtage Frankfurt, D, 2008
—Shortcuts, Mainz, D, 2008
—Formula Mundi, Schwaebisch Hall, D, 2007
(2nd Prize experimental film)
—kurzundschön 07, Cologne, D, 2007
(Mention of honour for title design)
—Mecal Short Film Festival, Barcelona, E, 2007
(nominated for the Obliqua Award - for »the most innovative and creatively daring works from a formal and a narrative level«.)
—31st Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, D, 2007
—fmx/07, Stuttgart, D, 2007
Presentation and discourse about picture & audio design for BIRNBAUM
—cellu l’art, Jena, D, 2007
—goEast - Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, Wiesbaden, D, 2007
(2nd Prize fiction short)
—Digital Production, 01/2007, publication about the BIRNBAUM production workflow
The Oscar winning cine equipment manufacturer P+S Technik, one of the main sponsors of BIRNBAUM, published its August 2007 and February 2009 newsletter. It is also about the innovative BIRNBAUM film technology:
»Tapeless short film production “Birnbaum†shot with the MINI35
At fmx/07, Stuttgart, director Ronald Scharf has presented a new developed workflow that combines the major benefits of digital cinematography and analogue film. The 35mm exhibition copies of the short film BIRNBAUM (Pear Tree) were produced without use of any video tape or intermediate film material. The original DVCPRO HD video data, stored on P2 memory cards and hard disks, were directly transferred by a Cinevator Digital Film Printer to positive 35mm film. DoP Vadim Belokovsky used P+S Technik Mini35, Zeiss high speed lenses and macro lenses in order to achieve an analogue film look.
[MINI35] [Cinevator] [http://www.birnbaumfilm.de] «
Get here even more information on the Birnbaum production workflow.